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тематична контрольна робота 4 клас - тема"around the city"
[ Викачати з сервера (350.8 Kb) ] 24.01.2015, 21:37

Тематична контрольна робота 4 клас - тема"around the city"

4 клас Variant I

  1. Прочитай текст Jim lives in a nice house in a beautiful town of Chester. The house has a big living-room, a small dining-room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. In the living-room there are two comfortable armchairs, a sofa and a TV with a CD player. The modern kitchen has got a new cooker and a fridge. There are two bedrooms with wooden wardrobes. The bathroom has got a bath and a shower. There is a lovely garden behind the house.

Чи правильні твердження до тексту завдання 1? Постав «+» біля правильних чи «-»  біля неправильних.

 1) Chester is a beautiful town.___

2) There are two floors in the house.___

3) The living-room is not small.____

4) The kitchen is modern.____

5) There are two bathrooms.____

6) The house has a garden.___

7) There is a TV with a CD player in the dining-room.____

  1. До поданих іменників підбери прикметники з тексту завдання 1.

1.     nice        house                                6._________ kitchen

2._________town                                  7. _______cooker

3._________living-room                       8._________wardrobes

4._________dining-room                      9.__________ garden


Категорія: уроки | Додав: Marina | Теги: Видео Энциклопедия, test 4th form around the city, Must, May, Can
Переглядів: 1795 | Завантажень: 74 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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