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reading, 2 семестр, 4 клас
[ Викачати з сервера (15.7 Kb) ] 14.05.2014, 20:58

Reading, 2 семестр - 4 клас


Reading (the second term)

Variant 1

I.Прочитай речення. Які предмети вони описують? По став поряд із реченням номер відповідного предмета.

1) a toothbrush 2) the Moon 3) a camera

4) a library 5) trainers 6) a supermarket
  1. You can take pictures with this._______
  2. You clean your teeth with this.________
  3. You go to this place to choose books.______
  4. You go to this place to buy food.__________
  5. You wear them when you play games._________
  6. It’s big and round and we can see it at night.___________
  7. Прочитай текст.

My name is Ben. I like going to the zoo very much. Last Sunday I went to the zoo with my Mum and dad. My Mum bought three tickets. Then we went to see the animals. First we saw the bears. They were very big.

       Dad took a picture of them. Then we went to see the monkeys. They were very funny. “Look at that!” Mum said. “One of the monkeys is eating a banana!” dad bought me an ice cream and we sat down to eat it. Then we looked at the lions. They were beautiful. I liked my day at the zoo.

II.Прочитай твердження до тексту завдання 2. Постав «+» біля правильних та «-» біля неправильних.

 1) Ben went to the zoo on Sunday.______

2) Ben went to the zoo with his friends._______

3) Mum bought three tickets._________

4) The bears were not very big._______

5) Mum bought Ben an ice cream._______

6) At the zoo Ben saw bears, monkeys and lions.________

7) Ben didn’t like his day at the zoo.__________

Категорія: уроки | Додав: Marina | Теги: reading test 4th form 2nd term
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