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контрольна робота 5 клас тема "Шкільне життя"
[ Викачати з сервера (13.8 Kb) ] 27.10.2015, 20:50

контрольна робота 5 клас тема "Шкільне життя"


5 клас тема «Шкільне життя»


  1. Circle the correct answer.

1)  Pupils learn about the life of people in the past at ... lessons.

 a) Science  b) Art         c) History

2) At English lessons pupils listen to ... in English.

a) films       b) stories     c) books

3) I like Music lessons because they are very ... .

 a) boring    b) difficult   c) interesting

 4) «Student» is a(n) ... .

a) noun        b) adjective c) verb


  1. Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the adjectives in brackets.

1) I don’t like this film. It is__________    (boring) than that one.

2) IT lessons are   _________ (popular) in our school.  All the pupils love them.

3) Ben is ________    (good) sportsman than Jack.

4) This story is  _________(funny) than that one.

5) Edd is________   (lazy) boy in our class. He never does his homework.

6) Betty is_______ (tall) girl of all my friends.


  1. Write answers to the questions.

 1) What is your favourite subject at school?

 2) How many lessons do you have on Mondays? 

3) What subjects are you bad at?  

4) What school subject is the easiest for you?  

Категорія: уроки | Додав: Marina | Теги: контрольна робота 5 клас карп'юк те
Переглядів: 1675 | Завантажень: 74 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання 2 семестр 7 клас - підручник Карп'юк (0)

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