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Контрольна робота 3 клас тема "Свята" holidays
[ Викачати з сервера (16.3 Kb) ] 18.02.2015, 00:10

3 form holidays v-1

  1. Listen and circle the correct answer.

1) When is Mike’s birthday party?

a) On Saturday.

 b) On Sunday.

 c) On Friday.


2) Where does Mike usually celebrate his birthday?

a) At home.

b) On a picnic.

c) In a café.


3) How many children are going on the picnic?

a) 4.

 b) 6.

 c) 8.


4) Why are they going to the picnic?

a) To celebrate birthdays. 

b) To play badminton.

 c) To make a birthday cake.

5) What do the girls like doing?

a) Playing badminton.

b) Cooking.

 c) Fishing.


6) Where are they going after the picnic?

a) To Mike’s house.

 b) To a river.

 c) To a café.

  1. Cross the odd word out.

1) Dance,




2) Easter,




3) Stars,




4) Tuesday, Wednesday, December, Thursday.

5) Invitations, lessons,



6) Usually,




3Make up sentences.

1) flowers/our/home/decorate/with/we/.  We decorate our home with flowers.

2) always/Granny/makes/basket/an/Easter/._______________________________________________

3) we/in/the/Easter/garden/celebrate/usually/._____________________________________________

4) must/before/our/house/clean/Easter/we/._______________________________________________


3 form holidays v-2

  1. Listen and circle the correct answer.

1) Whose birthday party is it on Sunday?

a) Mike’s.

 b) Jim’s.

c) Julia’s.


2) What’s the weather like?

a) Warm and sunny.

 b) Warm and rainy.

c) Hot and windy.


3) What games can the children play?

a) Basketball.

 b) Badminton.

 c) Chess.


4) Are the children going to a café to have a birthday party?

a) Yes, they are. b) No, they are not.

c) I don’t know.

5) What does Peter like doing?

a) Fishing.

 b) Cooking.

 c) Playing chess.


6) What are the children going to have for dinner?

a) A cake.

b) Fish soup.

 c) Fried fish.

2. Cross the odd word out.

1) Eggs,





2) Spring,


Christmas, December.


3) Friday, January, Saturday, Thursday.


4) Flowers,


postcards, timetable.


5) Phone,





6) Nice,

 dress, interesting,



3. Make up sentences.

1) flowers/our/home/decorate/with/we/. We decorate our home with flowers.

2) always/and/my/sister/Granny/Easter/eggs/paint/._____________________________________________

3) sometimes/goes/in/granddad/my/fishing/winter/.____________________________________________

4) the/party/children/at/the/New/Year/dance/usually/._________________________________________

Категорія: КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ 3 КЛАС | Додав: Marina | Теги: контрольна робота з англійської мов, контрольна робота 3 клас несвіт, test 3rd form holidays
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