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Готуємось до контрольної роботи з письма за 1 семестр
[ Викачати з сервера (12.9 Kb) ] 14.12.2014, 20:25

Готуємось до контрольної роботи з письма за 1 семестр


Variant 1

  1. Imagine that your parents are leaving for holidays and want you to take care of domestic affairs. Write a memo about what your parents want you to do while they are away from home.


  1.  Make up questions to the following answers.


When young people in Britain meet, they usually smile and say “Hi!” or “Hello!”


My brother and I usually help Mum with the shopping and cleaning.


If you need to interrupt someone, you should say “Excuse me!”

  1. Complete the sentences with the true information about you.

1) I’m usually allowed________________________________

2) My parents never let me_____________________________

3) Every day I have to_________________________________


Variant 2

  1. Write a short description of a famous person. Don’t forget to metion his/her name, why this person is famous his/her name; why this person is famous (he/she is a famous actor/actress, politician, writer, etc.); his/her hair; his/her eyes; his/her nose; his/her manners.


  1. Make up questions to the following answers.


People in Britain like using short forms of their names.


Of all the housework, I prefer cooking.


When you want to hear something again, you should say “Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

  1. Complete the sentences with the true information about you.

1) My mother sometimes lets me_______________________

2) At school pupils mustn’t___________________________

3) When I grow up, I’ll allow my children________________

Категорія: КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ 7 КЛАС | Додав: Marina | Теги: writing 7 класс 1 семестр карпюк, paintingAuto, writing 7th form 1st term
Переглядів: 3151 | Завантажень: 240 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Готуємось до контрольної роботи з читання за 2 семестр - підручник Карп'юк (0)
Семестрова контрольна робота з читання 2 семестр 7 клас - підручник Карп'юк (0)

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