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Готуємось до семестрової контрольної роботи з письма, 2 семестр, 5 клас, Карп'юк
[ Викачати з сервера (15.4 Kb) ] 07.05.2014, 20:42

Готуємось до семестрової контрольної роботи з письма за 2 семестр 

The 5th form  Writing  (the2nd   term)


  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the boxes.


a jacket



1.We have visited a beautiful _______.

      2.When the weather is _______ the clouds are grey.

      3.There are some crossings opposite the town station.

      4.When it’s cold you wear __________.

  1. Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) Ron ______________ his car yesterday.

a) washed                                                  b) washes

c) has washed                                          d) is washing

2) Children ______________football in the yard now.

a) play                                                         b) are playing

c) will play                                                  d) have played

3) We usually _________ to the swimming pool three times a week.

a) goes                                                        b) go

c) are going                                                d) have gone

4) Jane ___________________ her room yet.

a) hasn’t cleaned                                      b) doesn’t clean

c) are cleaning                                           d) didn’t clean

  1. Write a letter to your pen friend (5—6 sentences) about your last holidays. Use the plan below.

1) When you had the holidays;

2) where you spent them;

3) what places you visited;

4) why you liked/disliked them.


The 5th form  Writing  (the2nd   term)


  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the boxes.                            





  1. He has bought many ___________.
  2. In the _______it was warm and sunny.
  3. You can take the  __________ to get to the church.
  4. Summer is a season of _____________.
  5. Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) My cousin_______ me to gather the apples yesterday.

a) helps                                               b) will help

c) helped                                            d) has helped

2) Eddy____________ this book yet.

a) doesn’t read                             b) isn’t reading

c) didn’t read                                d) hasn’t read

3) The bus__________________ in fifteen minutes.

a) comes                                          b) will come

c) came                                            d) has come

2) Maggy often ___________ chocolates for her children.

a) buys                                             b) is buying

c) bought                                         d) has bought

  1. Write a letter to your pen friend (5—6 sentences). Use the plan below.

1) Your name and age;

2) the place where you live;

3) what it looks like;

4) your hobby.

Категорія: КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ 5 КЛАС | Додав: Marina | Теги: остановили, writing 5 класс 2 семестр, 5 клас, карпюк, 2 семестр
Переглядів: 4433 | Завантажень: 462 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання за 2 семестр (підручник Карпюк) 10 клас (0)
Готуємось до контрольної роботи з читання за 2 семестр - підручник Карп'юк (0)
Семестрова контрольна робота з читання 2 семестр 7 клас - підручник Карп'юк (0)

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